Data dictionary


Attribute Definition
id The submission's unique identifier, as given by Reddit
title Title of the submission
selftext The body content of the submission
author The account name of the post's author
created_utc Unix time of when the post was first posted, in seconds
permalink Relative URL of the permanent link that points to the submission
url Full URL of the permanent link that points to the submission
score The number of upvotes minus downvotes the submission receives
subreddit_id Identifier of the subreddit the submission was posted in
subreddit Name of the subreddit the submission was posted in
comment_count The number of replies the submission receives


Attribute Definition
id The comment's unique identifier, as given by Reddit
body The body content of the content
author The account name of the commenter
created_utc Unix time of when the comment was first posted, in seconds
link_id ID of the submission the comment is associated with
parent_id ID of the comment this comment was replied to
permalink Relative URL of the permanent link that points to the submission
url Full URL of the permanent link that points to the submission
score The number of upvotes minus downvotes the submission receives
subreddit_id Identifier of the subreddit the submission was posted in
subreddit Name of the subreddit the submission was posted in